Andrew Macarthur




Academic Qualifications: AdDipAg, MBA (Bond University), FAICD


Andrew Macarthur holds the position of Executive Chairman.  Mr Macarthur has extensive management and consultancy experience in the areas of agribusiness and veterinary pharmaceuticals and is a respected horse and cattle breeder and advisor.  He and his family own and oversees several rural properties.


Mr Macarthur previously held the position of General Manager of pastoral operations at Stanbroke Pastoral Company and was directly responsible for the management of 27 rural properties. Stanbroke was at the time Australia’s largest pastoral company and recognised as being at the forefront of livestock research.


Mr Macarthur owns and holds directorships in a number of diverse companies in Australia, USA, Canada, Chile and Japan.  He is, and has been, very involved in philanthropic actives in the areas of regional development and education of children living in rural and remote areas.


Andrew Macarthur

Executive Chairman